Interior Design For The Minimalist Family

Interior Design For The Minimalist Family

Minimalist family homes are a trend that is resurfacing. Minimalist interior (and exterior) design started in the 20th century as a reaction to traditional and classical design elements. Designers from all fields began embracing clean, simple design. Not...
How To Choose The Right Bedroom Rug Size

How To Choose The Right Bedroom Rug Size

Every space is different. Deciding how to pick the right bedroom rug size is both an art and a science. This holds true for any room in the house. And while there are always exceptions to any of these rules, there are a few things that you should keep in mind when...
Interior Design Kitchen Trends for 2019

Interior Design Kitchen Trends for 2019

Kitchen trends for the new year Some interior designers may warn against fleeting trends because of the argument that time-tested materials and practices will stand the test of time much better than an overload of terrazzo pink/blue velvet everything. This concept can...
Italian Terrazzo is Making a Comeback

Italian Terrazzo is Making a Comeback

The Old Italian Terrazzo Flooring Trend is Making a Hard Comeback Interior Designers are always seeking the next big trend. It’s hard to really go anywhere without being inspired and thinking about design, whether it be fashion shows, architectural tours or an...
Top Signs You need to Update Your Kitchen

Top Signs You need to Update Your Kitchen

Update your kitchen. Brighten the entire home. Update your kitchen… Like many kitchens, your kitchen is probably the most adored room in your home. The wear and tear on your countertops, appliances, gear and more is proof that it’s your favorite spot. If...