THD is an Architectural Design Firm

THD is an Architectural Design Firm

Three Reasons to Start Something New in January

Jan 2, 2015 | Design Concept & Theory, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Whether you have a New Year’s resolution you’re committed to following or you want to do a remodeling project, January is the absolute best time to take on a big change like this. Here are three big reasons to consider starting something new next month:

1. Designing Takes Time

The designing and planning process take much longer than many anticipate, so if you start working on something now you might be looking to start your project come spring. If that’s the case, you can execute and potentially finish your project and potentially be entertaining by summer or far. It depends on the size of the project, of course, but it’s important to carve out ample time! Renovations and home projects are a big deal and you don’t want to rush, so if you plan to entertain in the warmer months, January is the perfect time to take on a project.

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2. January is a Month for New Beginnings.

Every year we intend to start off the New Year right by setting big goals like exercising daily or calling grandma weekly. And these are great! But what about resolving to design a fabulous new living environment? Having a place you love to live will better your everyday living experience immensely, especially if you are looking to leave something behind with the old year and start fresh come January 1. Changing your daily living space can be a great transformation both inside and out.


3. The Holidays are Exhausting – You Deserve a Break

This time of year requires so much time, effort and planning, especially if you are hosting or entertaining. Come January you likely just want to sit back, relax and let others do the dirty work … which is exactly what you should do! In January, allow the professionals – the architects, interior designers and contractors – take care of you so you can really relax and start your year off right.


Helping people turn their homes into a place they love is my very favorite thing to do. If you want to jump into 2015 with a fresh start, please contact me to see how I can help you.

Happy New Year!