Mixing and matching colors can be invigorating and very fun! But equally as fun is finding unique ways to do color on color! Black on black sounds dark and ominous, but it can actually look lovely.  White on white might sound boring or untouchable, but it can really be quite inviting! And that’s not to mention matching other colors, like green on green or blue on blue. Here are some fun examples for the kitchen, bedroom and living room: 

Green on Green

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You might not think that various shades of green covering a wall, a sofa and an ottoman would look good together, but it looks great in the above picture! Whether you find mismatching shades or do something more specific, like emerald on emerald, this type of styling can look pretty spectacular.

White on White

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If done right, white on white is anything but boring! Just be careful not to drink too much red wine in your white on white living room.

Blue on Blue

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Blue is a great color to layer in different shades. Navy, cobalt, ultramarine … there are countless shades and they all look great together. By the way, the wall art in the image immediately above is a bunch of framed bandanas! Click on the picture to learn more.

Black on Black

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A black room is inherently dark, but it can look clean and sophisticated if styled properly. If all black is a tad too much, try brightening it up with splashes of white or other bright colors.

What are your favorite color on color styles? While I only included four, you can do it with any color! Do any of you have a one-colored room? I’d love to hear about it!

[Please note: Unless otherwise stated, none of the above images are mine. Please click on images for attribution].